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The Scombridae are the family of the mackerels, tunas, and bonitos, so includes many of the most important and familiar food fishes. Species lengths vary from the 20 cm (7.9 in) of the island mackerel to the 4.58 m (15.0 ft) recorded for the immense Atlantic bluefin tuna.

Scombrids are generally predators of the open ocean, and are found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters. They are capable of considerable speed, due to a highly streamlined body and retractable fins. Some members of the family, in particular the tunas, are notable for being partially endothermic (warm-blooded), a feature that also helps them to maintain high speed and activity. Other adaptations include a large amount of red muscle, allowing them to maintain activity over long periods.

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Albacore Atlantic bluefin tuna Bigeye tuna
Chub mackerel Skipjack tuna Yellowfin tuna